Today we are going to be talking all about Polar Bears!

The snow-white polar bear is an animal of the Arctic pack ice and the northern shores of America and Eurasia. In spite of its great weight and heavy look it moves easily. It can swim across the arm of the sea at a speed of about three miles an hour. It can run as fast as a man and can glide over snow or ice. The polar bear is well equipped to live its environment. Its partially webbed feet help in swimming, Its heavy fur, white except for the tip of the nose, the lips, and rings around the eyes, is waterproof and warm. Added protection against the cold is afforded by a layer of insulating fat under the skin. And the small size of the ears, tail, and toes keeps heat loss to a minimum, Like most bears, the polar bear lives in small groups of three or four rater than in a large band. Males and females keep apart, expect during the springtime mating season. The young are born in winter, in with snow and the female goes into a semi-lethargic state that is not true hibernation. The polar bear is a meat-eater that feeds on whale calves, salmon, cod, seals, and dolphins. It is in danger of becoming extinct, and efforts are being made to protect the 15,00 existing specimens. Scientist predict that Polar Bears will go extinct in the next 50 years if urgent actions aren't taken. (You can donate to various wildlife protection organizations) Polar bear's skin is actually black but the white fur completely blocks out their skin. Polar Bears are highly dependent on older more stable ice packs where they spend much of their time on the ice hunting, mating and denning. Pregnant polar bears need to eat a lot in the summer and fall to build up enough fat reserves to survive the denning process. They will seek maternity dens in October or November. Most maternity dens are located on land where snow accumulates including along coastal bluffs, river banks or pressure ridges on sea ice. Polar Bears are about 7 feet in length, 3 feet in height, weigh 1,800 pounds, period of gestation is 8 months, a maximum litter of 3 cubs, and nonretractile claws. Polar Bears feed almost exclusively on ringed seals and bearded seals. They are also known to eat walrus, beluga whale, and bowhead whale carcasses, bird's eggs, and (rarely) vegetation. Polar bears will travel great distances in search of prey.

Phylum Class Order Family
Vertebrata Mammalia Carnivora Ursidae

Originally wrote: 9/30/18 this page was made 12/4/18

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